Trump continually says the war in Ukraine is horrible, soldiers and civilians are dying everyday and he hates to see suffering and dying over there.
Well, has he thought what would happen if the USA tried to annex Canada? There would be people dying, there would be soldiers AND civilians killed, it would be just as bad, if not worse than Ukraine.
Canadians will FIGHT for our country. We will kill and die for our country if we have to, just like any other country defending an attack on their sovereignty.
Why hasn’t any reporters even asked him this question??
Like others have said, Trump doesn’t care about us pleebs dying. If he did, why did he give Israel the go ahead to break that ceasefire and murder 400 Palestinians?
Hey, atleast those Gen z dipshits can say “I DidNT VoTe FoR KamAlAmA DinGdoNg bEcaUsE I cArE aBoUt GaZa”