The differences between dents and craters is that dents merely compress the wood, without damaging the fibers, while craters break and destroy fibers. Dents can be repairing by expanding the wood, but craters aren’t fixable.
The differences between dents and craters is that dents merely compress the wood, without damaging the fibers, while craters break and destroy fibers. Dents can be repairing by expanding the wood, but craters aren’t fixable.
You have to remove the varnish by sanding first, then try to iron the floor. There may be poor contact in the middle so try ironing the other edges.
Other than that, you are gonna have to get new boards installed.
All handtools. I’m self taught and I work professionally (as in I do this for my living, but I still don’t think I’m very good). I use all Japanese tools and work on the floor. Working on small parts is hard and you need good workholding. Since the Japanese work on the floor, you can just use your foot. Otherwise a metalworking vice works great for small parts, and sometimes a drill press vice. I am super active in a discord server if you want an invite. Super beginner friendly.
Spend some time learning to fix everything. EVERYTHING. Knowing a little bit of plumbing, electronic repair, woodwork, carpentry, and cad can save you tremendous amounts of money. Contractors cost crazy amounts of Money, even for simple fixes.
Yoy dont even need to practice, just read up on it. Recently my sink started leaking, so I though I’d just mess with it. Fixed it with 30$ worth of parts. Dishwasher broke and I fixed it with a 70$ PSU.
Dont learn how to do oil changes though, most of the time it won’t save you any money. Autoshops save a lot of money with volume oil changes.
Woodworking is a hobby that can pay for itself, and yoy dont even have to sell anything. Wood is everywhere, and free. You have to wait months for it to dry but afterwards you can make anything.
Ive made spatulas, spoons, snack clips, furniture, tools, storage, cabinets, bookmarks, bowls, cutting boards, knife covers, drying racks, shelves, etc. It gives you a level of self sufficiency that can never be taken from you. It shouldn’t even be called woodworking, it should just be called “making shit”. It’s an extremely useful and valuable skill. Ive even used it to fix computers by making custom brackets and stuff, and a special heatsink mount for an old heatsink.
Look through their post history lol
Bold to assume leaders would ever suffer the consequences of their own policy.
Maybe add a “Lemmy mode” since Lenny uses symbols to mark italics, bold, etc, and causes a lot of emoticons to bug out
Like ¯_ (ツ) _/¯ when it should be ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
Yep. Same thing happened with me.
How fucking hard it is to remember daily and recurring tasks. Taking meds, brushing teeth, checking email, cleaning up, cooking, laundry, on top of stuff related to work.
Another one is that we are blind. Unless I expect to see it, I cannot see it. I literally dont see clutter. Only when I force myself to think about what I’m staring at do I realize there is a bunch of crap on a table. Its really easy for my room to get messy because of this. Because it hardly exists for me.
Yeah exactly. People dont realize that leather is a byproduct of the meat industry. Most of the cost is in tanning and preparing it.
So trust me, there is no shortage of skin to make leather
I think LLMs could be great if they were used for education, learning and trained on good data. The encyclopedia Britannica is building an AI exclusively trained on its data.
It also allows for room for writers to add more to the database, to provide broader knowledge for the AI, so people keep their jobs.
Yes, cause I work in a dusty environment. If you see dust or particulates in your snot, thats in your lungs too and you should start wearing a respirator.
Democrats are practically shoving the voting base towards trump. Their whole selling point is “saving the system that’s starving you”.
Trump promised to destroy it, and destroy it he will. Not for us of course.
Same thing happened in 1930s Germany. Nornal parties were just gonna keep things going, while people had to use wheelbarrows of cash to buy a loaf and Hitler promised to destroy it all and make Germany the greatest its ever been.
She never taught me to tie my shoes. I didnt know until I was like 15.
Both my mom and dad were workaholics, and my babysitter was a far closer parent than they were
This happens every time I go outside without a coat during winter. If I’m going to the grocery store, and I’m only outside for 60 seconds, I dont need a coat. Obviously if I was going on a hike then I’d need it.
Where’d this myth even come from about cold causing colds? Its even in the name! I can’t imagine how many hours of pointless arguing occurred between parents and children because of it
She’s smart enough to have a financial advisor, and honestly they’re the reason she has as much wealth as she does. Other than that she is kind of a corpse. Shell lie in bed for days at a time, her screen time is often around 18-22 hours per day.
My mom signs up for a lot of sketchy shit and has been pwned like 30 times across her emails.
My main problem is that she is CONSTANTLY changing passwords. I try to teach her how to use her passwords manager, and have a printout in the vault, but she is too lazy to get the password, and type it in. She is too lazy to even track the new password she makes.
Ugh I hate whenever something goes wrong the blame is always placed on the last guy who worked on it. If you ever build a PC for someone, you better believe you are gonna be tech support for that thing FOREVER.
I’d understand if you had issues immediately, or days after, but if its been weeks, months or even years? Gtfo. Thats longer than most free warranties.
How to run away from an abusive home.
I was already planning to run away from an abusive home.
This is horrifying