Sure why not. And protected from car traffic.
Sure why not. And protected from car traffic.
Make bike lanes wide enough so that they can be used by emergency vehicles!
I don’t debate the insanity of the economics of it. I’m saying they have a problem the solution for which is raising taxes but their stupid religion (bootlicking capital) doesn’t allow it, so he’s trying to raise revenue this way.
He has brought up before that the US government used to get its revenue from tariffs before income taxes were introduced.
The US is running ginormous deficits but their religion doesn’t allow them to raise taxes. So this might be his least bad option (talking about his internal politics, not the actual economics) to start addressing his deficit.
If there was a credible alternative to the left of the socdems and you were arguing for supporting it, your post would be an argument and probably a valid one. In the absence of one, your post is a wish, a prayer, a hope. So quit sniping at the left that exists and build the alternative.
Make billionaires millionnaires again. And that’s a compromise.
Awesome ✊
I think we need to be organizing as well, not just individually reacting. Join things, not just show up for things, you know? To the best of our ability of course.
So, the rich are organizing. What are you doing?
American standards of freedom of speech are not universal.
But what if you are the richest man in the world and you only did a roman salute to send your heart out.
Just from the title, I knew the man that the cop was standing on top of is indigenous.
We are also known for our self deprecating humour. the Beaverton is like the Canadian Onion.
Personne ne fuck avec le Canada sauf nous autres. C’est clair ça, câliss?
Sure, but so can the federal government do to Alberta. Politically too, the one huge disadvantage that Alberta has over any non-conservative federal government is that it votes too reliably conservative (I mean, if the feds twist their arm, what are they going to do next election, not vote liberal? – that’s why QC has the ROC by the balls by the way). So if it comes to Fed+ON-BC-QC vs AB …good luck.
Section 91(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867 assigns responsibility for trade and commerce to the federal government. The provinces can oppose, protest, and pressure the federal government on tariffs, but they have no legal authority to override them.
Alberta can do fuck all about tariffs. That’s federal jurisdiction.
That’s what Trump wants.
Did he crunch an apple while doing it too? What a douche.
Omg poor Americans, this is literally what we do best.