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Locking people up for their gender, sexuality or for listening to pop music is okay with you?
You fool.
Dumb question but would using nuclear energy make it more feasible?
It rains men on Uranus.
They paid in Australia.
It’s an honour and a privilege to tell you how awesome I am.
My $200 Chinese android system doesn’t.
Also ETC Press at Carnegie Mellon University for a great example of publishers who aren’t leeches (mainly gaming related).
Hey I’m watching it on my mirrors.
No thanks I follow the jeebus.
HP was dead to me 15+ years ago.
Fuckin’ shit-merchants.
Who the fuck does that? Your example is bullshit.
You don’t even need to take them away, just get a trans person to hold one.
I don’t feel anything for those people.
You’re a bad person.
Mobile telephone. Does all kinds of fancy stuff, it’s even got a torch!
Nope it definitely goes both ways, but one side has everything to lose. I might be morally justified trying to take on ms13 but I’m still going to get my ass handed to me.