It’s common for women to undergo a name change when marrying
It’s common for women to undergo a name change when marrying
Yeah just imagine if his takeaway from getting into cyberpunk had been user serviceable disability aids that are aesthetically cool.
Like i get being into the aesthetics of fiction. I love me some elfcore shit and a variety of sci-fi aesthetics. But man you gotta think about practicality
And alternatively, for excel once you leave the realm of a single person entering data for a single project over time sizes you start entering the “why does this take 10 minutes to open” territory
Yep, and any attempt to replace them with a purpose designed government ID has gotten conspiracy nuts to shut it down
It’s absolutely the second one. They basically all had brain damage from ww1 (who knew explosions are bad for you) and several of them including Hitler were drugged the fuck up. Julius Streicher was a clown, but not like a funny or sad clown, more like pathetic, like honestly comparable to someone from 8chan. Goebbels was a creepy loser. Hitler was a meth addict with ibs and anger issues who spent his last days just destroying the air quality of the bunker he would die in and kept invading countries despite already being at war. Heidrich died by personally chasing after antifascists who happened to have a grenade. And that’s not touching on their archeological or spiritual beliefs which are on par with qanon for believability and sensibility
Meanwhile I used to drive a 99 Chrysler 300m and I swear it was one of the best vehicles I’ve driven. It only died because as an idiot 19 year old I thought the engine temperature gage could wait a day because I had to move into college.
That said it was the last car Chrysler made worth shit
Yeah there’s a huge difference between advertisements in free media vs advertisements in a car you almost certainly had to get a loan to purchase
And the best part is you probably have local anarchists who want to help you learn to maintain it
I don’t think we should be giving the cat uranium
Knowledge always has the capacity to become useful again at some point
My high school chemistry teacher was a professional chemist working as a teacher so she’d be home when her kids got home, and yeah I think I had a different experience. Several of our labs were more thermodynamics related. One was to create a temperature based can crushing method. But yeah she’d ask us what we thought would happen and tell us to go figure out. That said we did have the “learn to titrate” labs too, but we were told that’s what was happening.
Were experiencing a coup yes, but the American little guy has their head up their ass. Don’t let us starve for sure, but if Trump triggers the most financially difficult time in the average American’s life maybe our countryfolk will learn for once.
I don’t want a tight and difficult few years. It was hard before and I’m terrified of my upcoming financial situation. But also our voting populace asked for this.
What is with the entire anglosphere being so much worse for internet?
Yes but also, as an American who isn’t particularly well off (basking in the immense luxury of being middle class), my countryfolk need to learn what pissing off our allies gets us. My state voted for Trump, he was brazenly clear that he wanted to hurt our citizens and our allies to try to force people to do whatever he wants. We need to learn better
You know you fucked up when you made it so people hear nazi car and think of your company and not the car company founded by the nazi government
Oh so it’ll become a shibboleth like how the capital of Ohio is pronounced and spelled “central ohio” if you’re at the rare intersection of cool and ohioan
You know what, sure whatever. It burns their political capital and it doesn’t actively oppress people
The problem is the billionaires are self radicalizing. They’re believing the lies they tell the poor, and that’s a dangerous feedback loop. Barry Goldwater was what they would’ve wanted had they been rational actors promoting fascism for their class interests. Even the “smart” ones like thiel are clearly losing it. They too were not immune to propaganda.
What crimes? Criminal conrains everyone from movie pirates to ocean pirates.
Ask any illinoisan what the tallest tower in Chicago is and you won’t hear the name that’s on the building. And good for them