Tonight’s memes have been 10/10 and you’ve officially become my favorite person here haha
Tonight’s memes have been 10/10 and you’ve officially become my favorite person here haha
Well as a planet pluto was mini mini. As a dwarf planet Pluto is one of the mightiest.
Also, if you call Pluto a planet then it’s not fair to Eris and they’ve done nothing wrong
I just hate when I’m hanging out with a bunch of racist gamers and people think I’m a racist gamer too. Sure, they may say some really inappropriate stuff I laugh at. And sure, I may not stop them when they’re ruthlessly mocking some poor person of color, but I myself didn’t do it so why would people think I’m a part of them? Everytime we go out to eat they treat all of us like we’re terrible people, but really it’s just them. I don’t get it.
(This was sarcasm. I don’t hang with racists but I didn’t know how else to paint the picture clearly. Thats how your argument sounded though)
I think that was the point though.
It’s all a meat grinder and all the horse races are pretty much the same.
Going out is the thrill that anything can happen. You never know who you’re going to meet and what may happen.
Staying home is knowing pretty much what’s going to happen. You’re gunna have a good, predictable time.
Potentially amazing night vs The good night you know
At least I’m not the one continuing this just so I have someone to talk to
Sarcasm. The only way to deal with idiots without wanting to pull out your hair
Awww dang. You got me soooooooooooooooo good. What ever will I do??
You sure ROASTED me when you said dual shock. I may never ever ever never ever never ever ever never never ever recover.
Others: Valve is pretty cool for making a dedicated PC controller that is a joy to use
You: BuT tHeY hAvE a DiFfReNt CoNtRoLeR dEdIcAtEd FoR sOmEtHiNg ElSe?!?1?
Maybe throwing up walls and assuming something will be wrong with somebody before you’ve even met them is shooting yourself in the foot a bit, don’t ya think?
nick, my dude. Save your sanity.
Most everyone here agrees that ‘Y’ sucks, and you can’t reason with em
I don’t believe you. Your timing makes yours waaay better!
I believe it is! That’s an amazing photo though!
My phone also made this, which i thought was cool
I’m too tired to make this witty but something about it leading to the MAGA movement being a bubble
Trump wants Isreal to go harder. Even in that statement.
I mean, for a little the guy on the right would be correct, but the using math you should be able to tell who was actually correct, right?