15€ for delivery under 75€… Uff
15€ for delivery under 75€… Uff
The cheapest ones will be from china, be it eBay or AliExpress. When buying via eBay never forget to look at the delivery date, I’ve waited up to months because I didn’t check the date…
Depending on your location you may check your local area. Some cities have small private electronics shop, they’re usually a bit more expensive but a) you get your stuff on hand and b) they can often provide feedback and knowledge and give some tips.
And with some luck you may find some broken thing on Kleinanzeigen, which you can salvage for parts.
Firefox with a handful of extensions, same on phone.
Last time a site “needed” chromium based a user agent switch did the miracle…
I try look for higher sold numbers and review amount. Than looking for the sellers rating and also numbers.
A lot of brands have official AliExpress shops which you can reach via their website.
On the other side, get yourself a limit you’re comfortable to “lose” and buy expensive stuff locally.
Just a small heads-up, don’t post the full code as a whole. Bots these day are cancer…
My SO played it for an hour. From watching it looks a bit clunky and sometimes you won’t pass holes on the first try, where you have to sneak through. But she likes it more than stray.
For friends and family try listen to their problems/annoyances. Usually people tend to complain until they fix it by themselves and if not, it’s your chance to shine.
If you want to contribute something to a hobby, ask first or gift cash. Most of the time the gift will be not needed or already surpassed with better/more expensive gear.
The response: we will repsond in 60 days…
“In its response, Tropic Haze has confirmed it has retained the services of an attorney from Pierce Atwood LLP, and committed to responding to the motion within 60 days of the date the paperwork was filed, which was 27th February, 2024.”
eBay is worth a look
For people looking for comments: the post from yesterday: https://sh.itjust.works/post/14491403
Yesterday or a few days ago I’ve read that people already jailbreaked the vision. So if you must have one, you will still be able to tinker with it.
Avast bought it.
There is “I still don’t care about cookies” which is a fork of the original or use any other plugins mentioned.
Wasn’t interested but had an eye on it. Now I don’t even give a shit if it wins goty.
Check inside your BIOS if you can add a delay to the startup or disable skips for a faster boot. Sounds like the drive need some time to wake up.
The bearings of the OG case-fans started to fail so I reconfigured them to kick in when the CPU got hot. One after another I ended with only 1 left working all the time…
Had them all replaced last month, 4 fans on max are quieter than the last at 50%…
Rebind ftw
Didn’t they have already issues with water on the Model 3 bumper? Still remembering seeing my first Tesla Model S… Worst bodypanel gaps I’ve ever seen on a new car
Lesen soll gelernt sein…
Just wanted to let you know, maybe there exist different configs for different regions to comply for
And even if they show the ping it’s often a lie… Best example is Diablo 4 half a year back… In-game showed around 60ms when in reality it was like more than half a second +
Network tools showed always at least triple the amount the game tried to let you believe.
IMO publishers and devs are using shortcuts and trying to hide it…