That he prefers Edge’s mother’s cooking.
That he prefers Edge’s mother’s cooking.
It’s only terrorism when poor people do it.
How do you do something “correctly” when nobody knows what that is? If your main priority is to do it “correctly” you will never develop anything fundamentally new.
Blowing up rockets until it works is a far better approach than trying to get everything to work on the first try and ending up with a hugely overpriced white elephant.
Trolling and then playing the victim. Very nice.
Also, societal attitudes have changed to the point where at least open racism or homophobia aren’t really acceptable any more. So they needed a new scapegoat.
Trans people: “I’d like to exist.”
JK Rowling: “I don’t agree with your premise.”
Totally not hatred.
As a German, I can confirm that this is a great strategy.
But not as powerful as the average gaming PC. If you take a mini ITX board, an every level Ryzen processor and something like an RX 7700 that would make a pretty cool system. If you manage to sell that for under $600, you have a winner.
If you want to sell a Steam console, it has to do 4k pretty well, because that’s what TVs have these days. An APU won’t cut it for that, you’ll need a discrete GPU.
Among the offenses listed, the civil servants are targeted for things such as donating to Democratic politicians or using pronouns in their online bios.
Totally not Nazis.
Is that really a virus? That would be huge for a virus.
That’s pretty much the impression I’ve been getting from following the whole thing very loosely.
Linux uses forward slash. Windows uses backslash. Because some dude 45 years ago wanted to make it look different from UNIX.
Pathlib is the answer.
Try pathlib. All your problems solved.
Personally, I’d prefer a larger caliber for Nazi hunting.
I don’t get why people are so keen on handing over such a huge amount of money just for bragging rights. The midrange is perfectly fine for playing any game these days. Those top end GPUs are getting an absolutely inordinate amount of attention compared to the relevance they have to most people.
Yesterday I spent five hours cleaning out 247 MB on my $50, 1TB SSD. I am very efficient.
The 9070 would have to be below $500 to have a chance.